Feb 14th is National Condom Day!
t’s getting to that time of year again! National Condom Day is almost upon us, landing on February 14th, Wednesday 2024. Sharing the date with Valentines Day, National Condom Day is an opportunity to celebrate safer sex and relationships. At PACOWWEI we believe everyone has the right to learn about sexual health so that we can have healthy relationships, and safe, consensual, and pleasurable sex.
We’ve decided to go back to the basics for our 2024 campaign, but with a little spin on it! People sometimes don’t know how to bring up the topic of condoms with a partner, and it might be difficult to find the right way to just ask – do you have a condom?
Taking part in our National Condom Day campaign provides community with an opportunity to learn about condoms and safer sex, and to discuss and ask questions. Displaying posters, handing out condoms and stickers is a great way to open these discussions.